Sunday, October 4, 2009

go on, help yourself

...was in williamsburg today, with my friend michelle after an eggs-and-americano brunch at five leaves (the late heath ledger's joint).  it was a traipsing kind of day, with few obligations but thoughts-a-plenty (...i wonder what our Thieves mix will sound like...what's on the agenda tomorrow...that font would look good on a tote bag...hipsters are so homogenous...oooh i want some ice cream from that  at 71 degrees and sunny, it was a good reason to enjoy the fall sunshine while it was still around. clad in bf jeans, speckled mint-green tee,  aviators, matte grey polish, vintage jewelry, and converses, michelle and i discussed Life and hipsters...and more life.

three hours later we parted and i wandered into a bookstore on bedford avenue, flipping through the various fashion magazines. i realized it's actually one of my favorite things to do - to skim all the latest issues and maybe purchase one if i'm really inspired (i'm probably the store owner's worst customer scenario).  i mean, i want to make sure i'm getting my money's worth of fashion content, hehe.  the glossies, afterall, become so disposable so i try to be choosy and collect the interesting/international/special ones.  

after ten minutes of speed-reading jalouse, 10, W, and V Magazine, i decided to slap down some cash for the latest issue of self service, a hardcover bi-annual fashion magazine that i don't usually splurge on.  took my new purchase in my hands, sat myself down in some shade at mccarren park, and read. and flipped. and read.

self service has a lot of nudity. and a polaroid-esque aesthetic. and glorious high fashion spreads.

it also has great layouts and fonts, playing with embossing and texture, without an overload of text. in fact, there is barely any text at all, save for the consecutive interviews in the back. each interview is printed on different colored paper...and oh, quick note about the paper, it's a nice weight, cardstock-eque, printed with a matte finish. 

i read what katie grand had to say about indie vs. corporate publishing, was inspired that stella mccartney also had stalker habits, and learned of jason schwartzman's penchant for everything that is movie-oriented. and he loves eddie murphy's 'coming to america,' the barbershop scene.  he and i are totally on the same page.

overall, worth the splurge, and definitely in a league of its own. the only issue is that, being a bi-annual publication, the fashion lags with the current seasons...but i'll still take it.

photos courtesy of La Coquette  

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