Tuesday, February 17, 2009

beautiful babies

du juan + liu wen

the lovely anja rubik

thank you, jeremy kost of fashionista.com...for capturing the sparkling personalities of my favorite models du fashion, courtesy of derek lam backstage.

i've been seeing gold, black, and cement grey polish gracing some of the runways lately...and a darkish pout. perhaps some dark glam to counter the hopefully optimistic clothes, hmmm?

oh fashion. there's always something unexpected in the mix.

just karen!! (sorry jack)

karen walker, fall 2009
courtesy style.com

ah, fashion week. it's fall 2009 time.

i heart karen walker. always a mix of quirk, tailoring, color, and trend.
and when was the last time you saw different colored shoes on the same model?! me likey.
now if only she had a studio in nyc...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

heads up

stunning headgear from Chanel 2009 Couture
(photo courtesy of Valerio Mezzanotti for the New York Times)

...and you thought feather plume headbands were crazy....

then again. this is karl we're talking about.
he can do whatever he wants. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

do the romp!

designed and rendered by yours truly...

the weather today deceives me to believe that it's romper time. 45 degrees is summer, relative to a sub-zero winter.

to boys, the romper/jumpsuit/playsuit is probably not the most flattering silhouette, and makes us girls look like little girls making sandcastles in the sandbox.

but i say.....look at the potential! if ysl, dries, and stella are designing it, and it's been around for a healthy 2 seasons and counting, AND girls everywhere ( i mean everywhere, globally) are rocking it, then by all means the "romper" or "jumpsuit" is a strong wardrobe essential (for now) and will be able to soak up another season. throw a cardi, snuggie, blazer, or scarf over it; platform ankle boots/laceups; tights; bold lip or smoky eye; a knowing smile....and you have yourself a winner my friends.

Monday, February 2, 2009

lookin' for a keytar

the flaming lips

so i was at band practice yesterday (i'm still in the 'tryout' period, but crossing my fingers) and the lead guitarist (also leader of the band) was explaining to me the vision and musical direction of his songs, and i loved it because it totally came from an artistic point of view, rather than "we are doing this to be rockstars and time's a-tickin' to get there." it was from the motivation of creating great music, with a side of on-going band-scene promotion because hey, wouldn't we all want to be rockstars given the opportunity? at least, that's how i saw it. 

if i am accepted (feels like highschool never left me) i would be playing keys and vocals...with some tambourine, glockenspiel (higher pitched metal version of the xylophone), and cowbell (ok, i kid about cowbell, but maaaaaybe not) thrown in. 

being in a band is all about teamwork. the goal is to create lovely music as per the 'direction' of the lead. normally the keys and all other instruments, aside from voice and guitar, function more as the support system and therefore should stay in the background unless otherwise composed. it's not to say nobody's allowed to be a diva, but the fact is that it's about the whole sound rather than the singular parts.

ok, just bear with me, as i muse...there is a link to fashion, somewhere in this post. hold thee horses.

i'm used to being solo...in terms of musicianship....i'm a soprano singer and i was classically trained in piano and flute (thus the solo-ness, except for duets and concertos)...thus when it comes time to playing in a band, i've learned the importance of doing the opposite. it's more about creating a supporting melodic line, that usually comes down to solid base chords or a truly simple pattern of rhythm and three notes...arpeggiated or not, it just has to be simple, but effective and catchy. there is no point in adding it if it doesn't, well, add to the entire musical structure and result. 

and that's the difficulty...to find the simplest way of contributing to the music without being predictable or flat, or even clashing (although dissonance can be tres interessant). to edit down after you think you've got it...to refrain from being too busy and overloaded in order to refine the sound.  perhaps that takes a stretch of the talent and imagination to compose something beyond the obvious.

and another thing....the lead guitarist's vision was to have the keys as a slight drone, support, moody embellishment that sets the mood and even foundation of the music, through which the other instruments (and keys too) take precedence. a warm, ember kind of glow...think alto sax + napolean dynamite quirkiness + the Flaming Lips + the Cure...and he envisioned an atmosphere that was to be a bit dreary, dreamy, and beautiful at the same time.

and lo and behold, my brain cried eureka when flashes of 1) burberry prorsum spring '09 and 2) analogue photography surfaced to air. i mean, not that i didn't understand where the conversation was going, but it completely made sense thru these other mediums of Art.

1) burberry prorsum, spring '09 - perfect luxurious clothing set to an undertone of a rainy garden, thru which richly drabulous colors of chartreuse, plum, raisin, black, navy were all dashed with a rainy overcast as per the typical london weather. 2) analogue photography - resulting images are framed within vignetted corners, black tinging, and offset colors that create an indie and peculiar vibe.

and boom, u have the imagery of this band that i sincerely hope to be a part of.