Tuesday, November 4, 2008


when each moment is lived, a week may seem like eternity...


there are lots of things i aspire to be...world-famous this, most sought-after that...but is all this just PR jargon that has gotten to my head? it is almost ironic that to be successful in the "arts" industry you have to not do it for fame. only when you're not looking will others follow.

as monica has pointed out, "go for broke." easier said than done, that's for sure.

as phillip has said, "stop looking at what others are doing, and worry about what you're doing."

must. have. fun. with. what. you. love.
otherwise, you'll just throw it away as if you've never loved it at all.
what's that saying? "better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." [reminder from wayne]

mmmm k bye.

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