Thursday, February 25, 2010

fashion dahlings, fashion

oh, christopher.
burberry prorsum, fall 2010

as i've been working late nites, it's more than a refresher just to sit back at home and do...nothing.

i definitely enjoy being home more than i ever have...if you asked me a couple of years ago to stay home i would never indulge the idea.  but's just so peaceful to look out the living room windows, hear the jmz train pass by, stare at the fluff balls of snow drift by and sip some wine.  whether it be watching a horror film, comedy, listening to roommate creatives, or just eating some pupusas from my new favorite local salvadorean restaurant, it's quite pleasurable just to be in the warm ember of home. with my new favorite roommates (a sweet and special relationship, the roommate thing.)

in other news...the new fashion drools du saison, in my blogosphere, are:
- military green
- burberry prorsum fall 2010....all of it
- a bit of fur...or a lot
- snow-blown hair...tousled and effortless. a bit long...
- structure, sculpture, proportion

in ironic news....i attended the phillip lim men's show after party...despite the velvet rope, some dear friends granted me vip access and much love that i would never have imagined.  and the irony? i couldn't get in his parties back in the day when i was part of his design team.

at times like those, it's totally about who you know.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


tonite was thakoon's fashion show....fall 2010. 
lots of fur...lots of models....lots of ruffles.
a sea of black..a sea of fashion faces of whom i've always read about but never saw in person. until tonite.
standing room wasn't that was like getting a seat.
and i saw anna wintour...grace coddington...the Sartorialist....bergdorf buyers....celebrities...susie bubble...

and it was all over in a flash of twenty minutes.

one month of late dedicated to Fashion...culminating in all of a few minutes and a wine and cheese dinner at otto.

c'est. la. grande. vie.