i seem to fall in love (or maybe just obsess?) every so often with things other than people, music, and fashion. this weekend i fell in love with a scent called "tabacco toscano" by Santa Maria Novella, one of the oldest pharmacies in the world, located in Florence, Italy. i had first wafted the scent from my bandmate, and then his friend, and then another friend, and finally i decided to bite the bullet and splurge on this unisex cologne for myself. it's one of those enveloping, warm, approachable scents that i never got tired of and in fact wanted around me all the time. there's just something about it...like the go-to perfect t-shirt. it becomes you.
Bergamot, jasmine, tobacco, birch leaf, vanilla, burnt malt, and amber....all ingredients i never thought i'd want on me. especially tobacco! i've always gravitated towards floral and citrusy scents, the girlier ones....but this time i felt like i was ready for a sophisticated scent, not too feminine but still with that certain allure. totally the next level.
and psychologically the best part about this label is it's not mass marketed...you can't find it in sephora. it feels rather exclusive, as its distribution is only in specialty boutiques and few places in the world. luckily one of their distributors (Lafco) just happened to be across the street from where I work.
100mL of delish for my skin. who would've thought tobacco and vanilla could make such a beautiful pair.